Alzheimer & Dementia Home Care in Middletown, Connecticut

The most commonly known form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease which is a progressive and degenerative brain disease. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed, hiring in-home dementia care specialists is a sound way for loved ones to remain in their homes and familiar surroundings. Home Helper Home Care of Middletown specializes in Alzheimer's and dementia home care in Middletown, Connecticut to help keep local residents safe and doing their very best.


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expires 03/31/2025


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(860) 615-3006


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Discover How We Support Dementia and Alzheimer's Care & Learn About Our Customized Memory Care Services


Alzheimer's & Dementia Home Care in Middletown, Connecticut by Home Helper Home Care of Middletown

Understanding Your Loved One’s Needs

A specialized, unique program for each individual we care for is imperative to Home Helper Home Care of Middletown and the needs of your loved one. By calling (860) 615-3006, we'll provide a complimentary, thorough assessment of the individual's current physical, emotional, and cognitive status. We will then develop a unique, customized care plan to ensure all needs are met. Maintaining proper hygiene, providing nutritious meals, and ensuring a clean household are all equally at the forefront of our care.

What's more, Home Helper Home Care of Middletown Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers in Middletown are dedicated to:

  • building genuine relationships with each individual we care for
  • learning about the individual's past and present to ensure a comfortable, happy future
  • providing positive reinforcement and encouragement every step of the way
  • establishing purposeful activities and stable routines
  • and so much more


Keeping Loved Ones Safe and Happy at Home

Here at Home Helper Home Care of Middletown, rest assured each individual we care for is in capable, safe hands. It is our goal to honor their life prior to their diagnosis and help ease the symptoms they're experiencing. To that end, Home Helper Home Care of Middletown's Middletown Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers create a safe, healthy environment for your loved ones in the comfort of their own homes. It is our mission to ensure their quality of life and safety are a top priority. Call Home Helper Home Care of Middletown at (860) 615-3006 today for trusted, caring Alzheimer’s and dementia home care services in Middletown, Connecticut.

Call for FREE Alzheimer & Dementia Home Care Quote

(860) 615-3006


  • 5★★★★★ - "Home helpers of Middletown helped take care of my mother Lydia after she came back from a longterm rehab facility due to a car crash. They were able to provide 24/7 live in assistance over 10 days while she was getting acclimated back to being independent within her home. Their pricing was transparent and the care provided to my mother was excellent."

    , Home Care Assistance in Middletown, CT

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